Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Broke Working Wonders

I've been staring at the blank wall above my couch for well over a month now. I've been enviously pinning great prints and pictures and artwork. But, I just started going to school again for Graphic Design (more on this later), which means I'm broke for now. Art supplies and fees have left no room for anything extra.

My band recently played a house show for an amazing organization called Invisible Children. You may have heard of them, they're pretty huge and doing amazing things. They just started up a street team in DC and are hosting house shows periodically. We stepped inside the row home to set up and were blown away by how beautiful the "stage" area looked. Book pages covered the wall and hung from the ceiling and Christmas lights twinkled and glowed, casting shadows. It was magical.

So, I was sitting at home yesterday, staring at said wall and my brain gears clicked. Problem solved. I used an old book that I'll never read and can probably find again at a used bookstore - this helped ease my conscience a bit. The worn pages are a nice contrast against our slightly off-white walls, plus it reminds me of an Anthropologie display.

I guess in this case, being broke worked in my favor.  

1 comment:

  1. this looks awesome kelci! congrats on school and the house show for IC!
